About the Blog

To begin with, I want to thank you for visiting my blog page. The blog contains documentation of ideas, thoughts about science and philosophy.

Why writing? Without documentation, we forget how we do or improve what we did before. That’s the primary concern for me. Please feel free to let me know with your feedback if there is an area of improvement in my posts. 😎

In case any of my blog posts you find interesting and helpful, and you want ot thank/support me for that, you can
Buy me a Coffee. 😃

About Myself

I have been working as a PhD student at the Statistical physics and soft matter theory group in the institute of physics, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz. My primary interest is in Complex dynamics in soft matter physics, high-performance computer simulations which explore novel simulation approaches, data science & machine learning.

I do not love to travel a lot, but I spend most of the time sitting in the office. Apart from that, I love to discuss a variety of things with people and confuse them 🙂. In my spare time, I like to read philosophical ideas and time to implement them in everyday life.


Mahesh Yadav
PhD. Student
Staudingerweg 9
Institute of Physics
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Email: mahesh.yadav@uni-mainz.de